Wendelle Stevens Archive

UFO researcher, USAF Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens’s last interviews

This is a compilation of some of the recent interviews we have done with retired USAF Lt. Col. and UFO researcher, Wendelle Stevens. We were honored to be able to spend so much time with him in his final days.

This wonderful video memorial was put together by Open Minds Executive Producer Tom Ruffin.

Alejandro Rojas

Alejandro Rojas is a radio host for Open Minds Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine as well as OpenMinds.tv. For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/Paranormal researcher and journalist, Alejandro has spent many hours in the field investigating phenomena up close and personal. Alejandro has been interviewed by media organizations around the world, including the largest cable and network news agencies with several appearances on Coast to Coast AM.

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  1. To the Sacred Memory of the late Wendelle Stevens: I am and
    will always be grateful to the “Mighty I AM Presence” for the many years I privately and personally knew and studied, also traveled with this unique and talented, informative man.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and
    the next generation who will learn about his great passion
    and love for the Pleiades and their Cosmonauts; you are back
    ‘home’ now, Wendelle…’Go In Peace.’ Lovingly and also very
    Respectfully, “I AM,” Fletcher Richman

  2. It’s an outrage that Fletcher Richman uses the sad passing of Wendelle Stevens to put on his sanctimonious act again. Wendelle’s wife told me how Fletcher had tried to get money from Wendelle. I personally was “told” in 2009 by Fletcher that I needed to contact Wendelle and get him to send money to Fletcher. For detailed information on Fletcher’s 25 years of financially defrauding his victims of massive amounts of money and leaving their families financially destroyed, go to http://sacredvaults.org

  3. Wendelle Stevens was generous with his time and extensive knowledge of UFOs to all who were interested in knowing the truth about this fascinating subject. More importantly, even if one met him for only a brief moment, it was immediately obvious he was an articulate, kind, compassionate dear soul and was a shining example of what it means to be an upstanding human being. In stark contrast, Fletcher Richman’s inference above that he was close to Wendelle is akin to a wolf saying it’s close to a sheep it is sizing up for a meal. It was heartening to hear and see the trust and confidence Wendelle had for Open Minds, which ultimately led to him giving them possession of and the care of his extensive UFO library. This speaks volumes about the sterling character of the Open Mind individuals.

  4. To the Readers of this Post: ‘Anthony Greene and William Travis’ are pen names of Allen Buresz, of Lemont, Illinois,
    whom is trying, along with others, to defame and discredit
    the years of quality association that I shared with Wendelle Stevens, including nearly 25 years of extensive historical research as it pertains to Sir Francis Bacon’s Bruton Vault that is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. My Attorney’s are daily monitoring and recording each and every vicious and nefarious postings on the Internet that is being composed by a small group of people that are trying to destroy the very positive momentum that our team of Metaphysical and Investigative Researchers have thus
    accomplished through “Labors of Love, Dedication, and
    Positive Gratitude” to have the opportunity to move forward
    with the collective need to carefully gather and document
    important information and facts about the ‘Great Seventh
    Seal’ of Sir Francis Bacon’s, and how the REAL UFO Story
    and connection ties in to such an important project.

    NEVER did the ‘Tudorgram Team’ and I ask Mr. Stevens for
    a penny; instead, we often presented him with funds to be
    of help for his traveling expenses to UFO Conferences when
    possible, and we have retained the documents and receipts to prove such a point!

    Also, the ‘Tudorgram Team’ made phone contact arrangements
    and introductions for Allen Buresz to directly meet with
    Wendelle in the privacy of his home in Tucson, Arizona.

    In closing, there are ‘Three sides to every situation;
    Your Story; My Observations, and then GOD’S TRUTH,’ and in
    the end, the third aspect of this famous saying is what
    truly matters here.

    Forever grateful ‘I AM’ that I had the opportunity for over
    22 years to know and study, share and enjoy the several
    meetings and various UFO Conferences with Mr. Stevens, so
    in his memory, I now have set the record straight…rest in Peace, Wendelle…knowing that ‘The Light of God Never

    Sincerely and Respectfully, “I AM,”

    Fletcher Richman and the Tudorgram Team
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  5. Note how Fletcher Richman conveniently ignores the fact that he has stolen MASSIVE amounts of money from me (and many others). To save potential future victims from what my family and countless others have suffered, the scam that Fletcher Richman is still involved in must be exposed. His masquerade as a “researcher” is merely a cover for his cruel lies and deceptions by which he tricks people out of their money – leaving them financially devastated! For details, go to http://sacredvaults.org

  6. Anthony Green is telling the truth about Fletcher Richman’s thefts, Fletcher Richman is not. The proof is not only with Anthony Green’s and many others’ records of handing over large amounts to Fletcher, and his many emails saying “payment is coming”, but is also with the St. Paul MN, FBI who confirmed in 2010 they had a case in 2005 against Fletcher Richman for fraud against one Fern Webber for $65,000 or $250,000 (reports differ on the exact amount and the FBI won’t discuss details). Fletcher’s co-conspirator, L. Marie Haught, helped him engineer the fraud, which was in the form of a mortgage Mrs. Webber placed on her home, the proceeds of which she gave to Fletcher. When Mrs. Webber’s family found out, they alerted the FBI but Fletcher had skipped town leaving an innocent colleague to take the heat. Add two more known fraud cases in Utah and Illinois and you get the picture. There is no one that Fletcher has met and had ongoing contact with where he didn’t hit on them for money. Lots of it. These are just a few examples of dozens of others in many states over 25 years where Fletcher Richman has duped people (many of them elderly) out of large amounts of money on the promise of repayment and then disappeared, never giving his address, all of which he will deny. The financial destruction has been immensely painful for every victim, a fact which Fletcher Richman justifies as being someone else’s fault – certainly not HIS. Don’t fall for his sanctimonious holier-than-thou statements or his Bruton Vault schtick. It’s all just a money-grubbing ruse. If it were all true, he would have built an organization of hundreds or even thousands by now. If he’s lucky, he has a team of two besides himself. A predator cannot ever be close to its prey. Any relationship Fletcher had with Wendelle Stevens was solely to get money, documents or books from him.

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