Strange News

Mass alien abductions in New Jersey?

Story via The Canadian

A witness in New Jersey has suggested that mass abduction by manipulative extraterrestrials have been occurring in the region. The witness talks about possible communication with alien beings on 20 May, 2013 at 12:00 AM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 22 May, 2013.

The witness tells us that he has always been sceptical about aliens and then he describes what he saw.

“I’ve always been a skeptic of aliens and UFOs, up until two nights ago, and I feel lost and confused, that’s why I am here. I would like to start off by telling you that about 3 weeks ago I saw an unidentified flying object that looked like a fireball in the sky.”

The witness describes how he was abducted by aliens and found himself tied in a metal bed.

Read the full story at The Canadian (link removed by source).

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  1. I know what you mean , one day I was outside hooping with some friends and this formation of lights appear out of nowhere it was about 3 lights in a triangle formation just above my house. I paid little attention to it but the next couple of weeks I kept waking up with weird marks on my body and bruises that I couldn’t remember how I got. I soon started seeing weird stuff around the house as well (paranormal things) that I couldn’t explain. I tried telling people about it but no one would listen and I think they still come and visit me (aliens).

  2. I live in NJ and this intrigues me. Reminds me of the incident with the Eskimo village near Lake Angikuni. Although I’m still on the fence about this scenario, what more if these ‘alien abductions’ continue?

  3. I was a skeptic too until I witnessed my first UFO in Oct. 2011. From then I’ve seen many as well as waking up to find diamond shapes almost burned into my body. Stuff that would be difficult to believe if someone was telling me. I started a website to get my story out and hopefully one day get an answer. It’s

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