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Blimp-like UFO videotaped over Kansas

A Kansas witness at Abilene reported watching and videotaping a blimp-shaped UFO moving over a local park, according to testimony in Case 78235 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

The witness was outside on a walk in a local park when the object was first seen on August 4, 2016.

“I noticed an odd light in the sky moving over me,” the witness stated.“I was able to record the object for about minute.”

Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

The witness saw three different objects.

“After the first object was out of sight two other objects appeared heading the same direction, but too far out of range for my camera to see them.”

Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

Kansas MUFON Field Investigator Becky Landwehr and Assistant State Director Larry Jordan are investigating. Abilene is a city in and the county seat of Dickinson County, Kansas, population 6,844. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.

Roger Marsh

Roger Marsh is a UFO writer and content developer. He is Director of Communications for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) where he manages media contact, rights and permissions, and content development for television, film, documentary, radio, print and stage. Roger is a MUFON case researcher for History channel’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” He is editor of the monthly international MUFON UFO Journal, executive producer of the weekly “MUFON UFO Traffic Report” radio show; serves as the MUFON webmaster; reporter for the daily “UFO Traffic Report” in web and audio formats; and publisher of the “MUFON Books” imprint. He is the author of Sacred Dialogue, editor of Silent Invasion, and co-editor of Ron Paul Speaks. Roger was featured in the 2015 season premiere episode of Destination America's "Monsters & Mysteries in America." Roger and his wife, Joyce, live in Scottdale, Pennsylvania, restoring a 1910 Pennsylvania four-square.

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One Comment

  1. After looking at this video multiple times, I’m fairly convinced that this is just an aircraft. It’s obviously a mostly white aircraft & I think during the portions of the video when the object is not under cloud cover, optical blooming may be occurring due to object’s brightness. I suspect the focus may also be slightly off during these times, as well.

    When the aircraft is under light cloud cover, for instance, at the 56 second mark, you can just make out the aircraft’s wing shadow, which is seen as a dark line running across the body of the object. BTW, there appear to be two or three frames per second, so you’ll have to step though each frame to see the effect I’m describing. You can almost see the wing shadow effect in still frame # 3 in your article above.

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