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Aliens are central characters in UK school’s Christmas nativity play

There has been a growing trend in the last few years for schools in the UK to use aliens and UFOs to inspire elementary school students. It seems aliens have even invaded Christmas in one school in York.

This year’s school Christmas nativity play at Minster School will be centered on extraterrestrial visitors who have come to investigate the star of Christmas. The aliens are called the “light people,” and upon their arrival they ask other children what Christmas is. The explanation is given with song and dance, and reenactments.

Students in the Minstry School play. (Credit: York Press)
Students in the Minstry School play. (Credit: York Press)

Pre-prep department head Jane Donaldson told the York Press: “There’s huge excitement in the department. The reception class – who play the light people – even do an alien dance to Star Man by David Bowie.”

The Minster School was founded in 627 by the first Archbishop of York, and then re-founded in 1903. Originally intended to educate choristers, it still has a strong focus on music. Many students are choristers.

50 students will take part in the play, which is the main Christmas production for the school this year.

Keep an eye out for the Issue #24 of Open Minds Magazine (available late January) for a full length story on UK schools and their use of staged alien abductions and UFO crashes to inspire students.


Alejandro Rojas

Alejandro Rojas is a radio host for Open Minds Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine as well as OpenMinds.tv. For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/Paranormal researcher and journalist, Alejandro has spent many hours in the field investigating phenomena up close and personal. Alejandro has been interviewed by media organizations around the world, including the largest cable and network news agencies with several appearances on Coast to Coast AM.

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