North Carolina witness videotapes star-like UFO

A North Carolina witness at Cary reported watching and videotaping a “star-like object” moving slowly from south to north making no sound that reversed course and moved back north to south, according to testimony in Case 67439 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Cary sits directly west of Raleigh, NC. (Credit: Google Maps)

The witness was outside loading items into a vehicle when the object was first seen through a gap in the trees about 8:57 p.m. on June 26, 2015.

“It had a star-like appearance and was moving slowly on an approximate south to north path approximately 35 degrees above the horizon,” the witness stated. “It had the same approximate brightness as a nearby star which I believe to have been Jupiter.”

The witness first mistook the object for the ISS but quickly realized that the object was accelerating.

“I lost sight of the object very quickly behind the tree line.”

The witness then noticed a commercial flight appearing above the lowest part of the tree line just behind the house to the east as it took off from the nearby airport.

The star-like object reversed course while the witness was watching. Pictured: Cary, NC. (Credit: Google image by Tamjit Kumar)

“It was coming directly toward me and I could clearly see the landing lights, then a few seconds later the navigation lights were visible, very distinct from any characteristics of the object that caught my attention. The aircraft passed directly in the overhead and as I looked back to the gap in the tree line the object reappeared from behind the trees moving north to south this time, straight and level.”

The witness began recording the object using a cell phone (video seen above).

“By the time I had gotten the phone ready, the object had travelled across my sight line almost behind the trees on the left, but it stopped and hovered, and then descended with a zigzag motion, until it disappeared from sight behind the trees again.”

The witness watched the sky for another five minutes, but was not able to reacquire the object.

“There was no sound that I could immediately associate with the object and its maneuvering during the sighting.”

The case was reported to MUFON on June 30, 2015. North Carolina Field Investigator John D. Pizzo investigated and closed the case as an Unknown.

Cropped and enlarged image of the object taken from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

The video can be seen on this page or downloaded here. Cary is the seventh largest municipality in North Carolina, population 135,234. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to

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