Kevin Randle – The Roswell Slides Unraveled – May 26, 2015

Open Minds UFO Radio: Kevin Randle is a preeminent Roswell researcher and author. He is also a member of the Roswell Dream Team, which has been tied to the investigation, and recent unraveling, of photographs that were purported to show an alien body from the Roswell crash in 1947. So who is the Roswell Dream Team, and why do there seem to be members of this team debunking the slides, and others supporting the idea that they show something anomalous?  In this interview, we ask Kevin those questions while examining what happened, and the discoveries that have shown the alien to actually be the mummified body of a young boy.

At the beginning of the show, we are also joined by our new news correspondent, Martin Willis of Podcast UFO.

For more information about Kevin, visit his website at

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