Cigar-shaped UFO over Kentucky identified, maybe?

On October 16, amateur astronomer Allen Epling captured photos and video of a strange cigar-shaped UFO in the sky above Kentucky. Several witnesses in multiple states reportedly saw the same, or a similar, aerial object.

A toy solar balloon. (Credit: Amazon/Toysmith)

The identity of the object over Kentucky baffled witnesses and officials. But on October 31, KIAH-TV in Houston, Texas asserted that the UFO “was nothing more than a kid’s toy airship.” The station explains that these twenty-six-foot-long toy solar balloons are constructed from “a high-density, lightweight matte black film which reacts to the heat from the sun and gets bigger as it fills with air,” and they can go as high as 30,000 feet.

Some suggested this type of solar balloon as a possible identification for the Kentucky UFO immediately after the object was reported. Although the shape of the toy airship is similar to the object captured on video by Epling, the object he observed appears transparent and highly reflective, whereas the solar airship is made of an opaque, black, matte material. Additionally, Epling estimates the object he observed was well above 30,000 feet.

And just for fun, here is what two of these solar airships look like in the sky when they are tied together.

So do you think the object seen by Epling and many others was a kid’s toy airship as KIAH-TV asserts, or do you believe the object remains unidentified? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below, or by posting on our Facebook page.

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