Roswell alien photo sneak peek

Last week we wrote about the announcement that photographic slides of an alleged alien taken in 1947 will be revealed on May 5, 2015 in Mexico City at an event presented  by Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan. However, as part of the announcement there was a trailer for an upcoming documentary on the slides, and with some manipulation, a screenshot from the trailer may have revealed the actual alleged alien photograph.

The documentary trailer is produced by Slidebox Media. Apparently, one of the photo analysts that the slides were taken to for verification thought so highly of the slides that he decided to make a documentary about them.

However, the trailer may reveal much more than the researchers intended. Besides giving a lot of background information regarding slides and the deceased couple who are believed to have been the original owners of it, the trailer also shows a computer rendering of what the alien in the slides might have looked like, based off of what can be seen in them.

In one of these images of the computer rendering, what appears to be the alien in one of the original slides can be seen as the computer graphics are graphed on top of it.

A scene from the Kodachrome documentary in which the researcher is working with the alien slide. (Credit: Slidebox Media)
A scene from the documentary showing the alien face while it is being transformed into a computer rendering. (Credit: Slidebox Media)
The final computer rendering of the alien. (Credit: Slidebox Media)

Whenever an original slide has been shown in the documentary, or in other presentations by the researchers, it has been blurred. However, in another scene in the documentary a researcher is looking at one of the slides using a magnifier.

The blurred slide we have seen thus far. (Credit: Slidebox Media)
A scene from the documentary of the apparent alleged alien slide under examination. (Credit: Slidebox Media)

Frank Warren, founder of the website The UFO Chronicles, zoomed in on the slide and manipulated it to see what it would look like straight on. What he got was a more clear picture of what the slide looks like. In Warren’s rendering, you can see some sort of body laying on what looks like a stretcher, and a ruler nearby. It does look like a more clear version of the slide that has been blurred.

The image adjusted by Frank Warren of The UFO Chronicles and cut and pasted into a similar looking slide sleeve. (Credit: The UFO Chronicles (Frank Warren)/Slidebox Media)

Veteran Roswell UFO crash researchers Don Schmitt and Tom Carey have lead the research into the slides and their authenticity. They both seem convinced that the slides show a genuine extraterrestrial being that was recovered by the military during the Roswell event in July, 1947.

While they may never be able to prove this theory, they do feel they can establish the slides are real, whatever is shown in them is not a animal, human, or faked model of an alien, and they are from the proper time period. They also say they have military witnesses who saw the Roswell aliens and can confirm that what is in the images is what they saw.

While not proof, it sounds compelling. We will have to wait until May to get the rest of the details regarding the totality of their evidence and to see the real, unblurred, slides. But thanks to Warren, for now, we have a bit of a sneak preview.

Read more at The UFO Chronicles website.

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