Friendship Part 2: A “Sworn One” Speaks

UREDDA -in one of the Friends’ languages – is the energy that is produced by the Love between people, particularly between the Friends and our group, following a pact between them and us and the many events that brought us together.

UREDDA is a kind of energy, but the Friends are not the worshippers of Energy, as other populations are. The Friends follow Love, which is also the source of good energies such as UREDDA, but is itself beyond any energy.


Thanks to special instruments that work on the subtle levels (there are tens of subtle levels), the Friends transform UREDDA into other energies and objects, even the oxygen they breathe in their underground and undersea bases. If UREDDA is lacking, the Friends die for they have chosen to be vulnerable out of Love. Moreover, the Friends chose to be dependent upon material help (food, mainly fruits and vegetables) that we provided for them. This occurred by means of remote control dematerializations, that I personally saw and was involved in so many times over the years. We called them “the Friends’ pick-ups”. Even tons of food at a time were dematerialized, at a distance of one meter (three feet) from our eyes and immediately afterwards were rematerialized inside the Friends’ bases. In other cases, using the same system the Friends would send us large or small objects, that were materialized under our very eyes.

In order to be allowed to stay here with us, the Friends were obliged to accept the law of Time and especially the law of Having that regulate the destiny of our planet.

If one ignores or does not fully understand THE FRIENDS’ VOLUNTARY LOVING DEPENDENCE UPON THE LAW OF HAVING (upon our thoughts and actions in the end), one cannot grasp the true meaning of the “story” as it occurred, and will not be prepared if the “story” occurs again -perhaps even in a more widespread form.

Today, the new so-called “post-modern” paradigms of terrestrial knowledge, adding to the paradoxes of quantum physics, open people’s minds to accept that reality may not be what it appears to be, or not just what it appears to be. The idea that we may be like children who are playing inside a room and are unaware of all the events that are occurring around them, even unaware of all the other contents of the room itself, except the toys, today may appear less absurd than it did in the past. However, the true acceptation -not just at a playful or virtual level, but at a level of real awareness- of an extraterrestrial world among us still represents a mind-blowing anthropological and cognitive revolution -much more so than the Copernican revolution. Just as an example, in the past, hundreds of millions of years ago, on the Earth there were six civilizations, which were even more advanced than ours and which disappeared, due to their own fault. This is also a threat to us today. The Friends, who saw our self-destructive past with sorrow, don’t want it to be repeated again. They are able to help us and do so, but they are obliged to operate within restrictions and conditions that are imposed by the subtle levels of the Earth and of our Universe. Incidentally, all of us completely ignore the existence of these restrictions and conditions.

Such is the complexity of the variables involved, that the Friends never predicted anything about “disclosure day”. I never heard them speak about 2012, that so many people mention. Instead, they said they would come back again among us. Those like myself (one of the very few of us still alive) made a special agreement with the Friends, swearing a solemn oath of reciprocal allegiance which still binds us though so many years have passed since then. But I do not know if and when they will be back. Or, maybe, they are already back and are at work with other terrestrials in some other part of the world. I do not know if they will contact me. I do not believe so. I think that my only task -which incidentally, the Friends themselves told me a long time ago- is to recount these things that I have now begun to tell Mr. Nikola Duper.

At the end of the ’40s, the Friends offered their collaboration to the head of the USA Administration. In exchange, they asked that the nuclear weaponry program be given up. But their offer and request were rejected, and other extraterrestrial populations have been collaborating with the USA and other Powers. The results of this have been highly negative, and still weigh heavily on our collective destiny. One of the reasons -there are others- which delay disclosure is the fact that the USA Administration should assume responsibility before the whole planet for having refused a vital collaboration and for having activated another highly negative one, exclusively for the sake of power and domination, lying to citizens and covering up for decades.

Following the American politico-military refusal, the Friends undertook the strategy consisting in confidential contacts with small groups of terrestrials, trying to emphasize the quality of human personal relationships, the value of Love and UREDDA, rather than quantity and visibility.

However, even these qualitative contacts failed to give the expected fruits, so today it is necessary to start again. With the Friends, however, there is never a definitive defeat, because their resources are quite extraordinary. When the Friends lose a battle, the reason is that we lost it, and they have to lose it with us and pay with us and for us, submitting to the laws of our subtle levels. In November 1978 our lack of UREDDA towards the Friends caused the death of many of them, and their momentary defeat by the enemy population called CTR -a defeat that the Friends had predicted and considered a foregone event. However, the situation is still reversible.

The adventure of the Friends with us is an extraordinary hidden drama, with unforeseeable events -partially unforeseeable for the Friends too, due to the incredible complexity of the variables involved and to the imponderability of free choice. The Friends have an infinite respect for people’s free will.

Everyday, terrestrial collaborators of the Friends and terrestrial collaborators of populations who are enemies of the Friends (and thus are our own enemies) silently fight with each other. The enemies are trying to conquer our planet in a very gradual and seemingly painless way, most of all working over our minds. Unfortunately, this is not science-fiction. If only it were so! Unfortunately, this is not paranoia. If only it were so!

However, just hinting at these subjects leads to the discrediting of the person who says or writes them; and this is a powerful weapon in the hands of those who want to harm us. Mental and social conditionings in this field are extremely strong. It is easy to discredit anyone, whatever their social or cultural position, if one has strong motivations to do so. If someone has had highly secret experiences, such as this with the Friends, and then “strangely” obtained an important position within society and is respected as a reliable person, they fear to be discredited, if they reveal their secret. Moreover, they fear that speaking out will discredit the thing itself. They know that those conditionings will be stronger anyway than their social or cultural position and the esteem they have gained over a whole life time. So, they keep silent, while they would desire to speak only the truth, without wanting anything for themselves. But others speak -others who do not know the truth or do not want the truth to be known. They speak out of self-promotion or for profit, and they do not risk being discredited, because they have nothing to be discredited for. Today this happens in every country, and is fully exploited by all the people and institutions that do not want disclosure to occur. What actually happens is that people either tend not to really believe “revelations”, or else they fool themselves into believing, or at most they suspend their judgment, knowing that those “revelations” come from people who aim at self-promotion or profit and do not fear being discredited.

I shall try to provide a systematic and point-articulated exposition, as soon as possible. The global scenario is extremely complex, as it also includes the presence and activities of the other extraterrestrial populations among us. However, if we consider this scenario under the perspective that the Friends offer us, at least we have a connecting thread and a general sense. This is possible because the Friends’ perspective is a privileged one, because of their very special relationship with the subtle levels and the Soul of the Universe. Under any other perspective the scenario would not just be too complex – it would even be undecipherable, and, in the end, one of despair.

One of the Sworn Ones (incognito for now)

Italian aeronautical journalist Bruno Ghibaudi took this famous picture on April 27, 1961, near the Montesilvano beach (Pescara province) in the Adriatic Sea. Ghibaudi is rumored to have been a witness to the “Friendship” affair, his articles and photos were published in several Italian magazines, such as La Domenica Del Corriere.
This beautiful illustration by Walter Molino of Ghibaudi’s 1961 photo was printed by La Domenica Del Corriere.
Another photo taken by Ghibaudi in the Pescara province in 1962.
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