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UFO News

Breaking UFO news, sightings and space and entertainment information from the Open Minds news correspondents.

Military helicopter reported chasing UFO

A New Hampshire witness at Nashua reported watching a red-orange orb moving a few hundred feet off of the ground while apparently being pursued by a military helicopter, according to testimony in Case 79839 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

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Hillary campaign manager held UFO meeting with USAF generals, rock star and top secret aircraft developer

The recent WikiLeaks of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta's, emails have upset and embarrassed her campaign. It has also brought media focus on Podesta's interest in UFOs, and one of the most intriguing string of emails reveals a Google Hangout meeting that took place between rocker Tom DeLonge, a couple of USAF generals, and an executive of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works division. Skunk Works is the group that worked with the CIA to build Area 51, and still develops advance, top-secret, air craft there to this day.

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